I went to a symphony a few days ago with my grandma. We enjoyed two pieces by different composers -- Ludwig van Beethoven's "Opus 56" -- his concerto for piano, violin, cello and orchestra, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's "The Requiem Mass in D Minor". It was most excellent. It was fun to watch these talented musicians implement totally different styles and approaches to attacking the music, and still converging to form one unified voice.
Despite Beethoven and Mozart having living in the same era, it was great to hear two end products that were just utterly different.
Beethoven's "Opus" came across as intense as any Children of Bodom masterpiece, with Iron Maiden's technicality. And Mozart's "Requiem" could soothe the hardest of hearts, and probably save an entire generation on its own merits.
It was a serene as a catholic mass: "Grant them eternal rest, Lord, and let perpetual light shine on them....Death and nature will be astounded, when all creation rises again, to answer the judgement...what is hidden will be revealed, nothing will remain unavenged...because You are merciful...Grant them eternal rest".
The third violinist was so cute with her curly brown hair that shone like the music she played. I talked to her after by chance (I swear it was by chance) and she was just totally rad. And the ex-hardcore punk, now a father living just a few towns over, said he had a good time here running into old friends. And the old Canadian from Saskatchewan regaled me with cultural tales of Foster Hewitt. And I totally understood what was going on.
Such is a night at the symphony with my grandma.
Aw, so cute :) Say hi to grandma for me! Peace out for now. Gotta get ready for Greek Easter and church tonight. -Alex
Ya, my grandma's totally the cutest little lady you've ever seen... I wanted to take her out for ice cream after, but she wasn't up for it... more the early to bed type...
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