He calls himself EarthWerm, and he's entrenched deep underground: To hear a couple of the best tracks you'll ever listen to in your life, check out my buddie Aiden's myspace page http://www.myspace.com/earthwerm23 especially if you're into great synth stuff, hip hop instrumentals or ambient opuses. I can guarantee you the best is yet to come. So ya, stay tuned.
"Where but the moment before was only the wide desolation and invincible roar, is now a man, erect, full-statured, not struggling frantically in that wild movement, not buried and crushed and buffeted by those mighty monsters, but standing above them all, calm and superb, poised on the giddy summit..." -- Jack London, Learning Hawaiian Surfing, 1907
Jack and wife in Waikiki.
When Jack London tossed himself into the Hawaiian rush of surf culture in 1907, he could not have known that one day, in the same way that he brought a significant portion of fame to the writing profession, his own words would help elevate the surf world to lucrative heights. Here are a few famous surfers that plot the rise of style and cash in the scene...
Mr. Iconoclastic: Miki "Da Cat" Dora - a man with an original mind and slick surf skill who was always wary of commercialism in the sport hated official contest, famously mooning the judges in one event. He saw professionalism as a disease that would nail the coffin on the surf world. He rocked the Malibu scene in the 1950s and 60s and perished in 2002
A current Mark Richards' contest winner follows the legend's wounded flightpath.
Soar Over Sea: Mark Richards' is known by the title "the wounded seagull," because of his tall frame, and unusual style of making bottom turns and cutbacks with his arms splayed out awkwardly behind his back. And like Kelly Slater, Richards was hooked in with the grunge scene that emerged in the late 1980s, even helping Pear Jam's Eddie Vedder work on setlists.
Hits the Big Time: An important date in sufing history is the one where a surf bum becomes a millionaire. In 1989 Tom Carroll signed a five-year million-dollar contract with Quiksilver become the first surfer in history worth seven figures. Miki Dora predicted it and any economist worth beans would have known the inevitability, and now you can buy into surf culture in a multitude of shops down on Yonge St. in Toronto, or smack dab right in the middle of the Prairies, even though only about one per cent of these shoppers (or less) will ever truely have the opportunity or capability to actually surf. Concerned oldschoolers write whole essays about the "kookocracy" that's taking over, wrestling surf industry time of day away from the hardcores like Miki, who just want to surf, and giving it to suburbanites with cashflow. Here's an article from Transworld Surf by Vaughn Dead about Tom Carroll.
--Also I have to thank Sara for turning me on to David Guetta -- a rad pop-electronic DJ with some sweet-ass catchy tunes, that I've been vibing along to recently. I apologize for expecting all your shitty "dance" artists would suck. :P
From the National Film Board of Canada: "Touchingly, Coupland displays one single, dirty and torn sock belonging to Terry Fox, expressing Canadians' enduring fascination with this hero. Coupland also speaks openly about the broader distinctions of water and the vastness of the country's landscape"
In a memoir-style visual art documentary about his "true and native land", Souvenir of Canada, Douglas Coupland says that at its heart, Canadian reflections and values boil down to an attachment to the land -- and more specifically, a connection with water.
Coupland covers quite a bit of ground in the film, talking about dropping out of university, parents who still don't understand his crazy ideas (though the rest of the world seems to), road tripping, collecting random crap, and working as an unheeded ideas person at a marketing company. Oh ya, he reclaims an old suburban home in B.C. to paint it all white and dress it up in manic nationalistic creativity -- a good excuse for a party -- before tearing it down by the end. There are even clips inserted from genuine educational films produced by the National Film Board of Canada, and a reenacted personal flashback from a relationship breakdown (and moment of inspiration) along the Trans-Canada Highway.
And as the movie is winding down, Douggie tells a story about his father almost getting decimated by a water spout on the West Coast, and clutching for dear life to the root of a giant tree. In a country where very few people actually reside, and much of the landscape still seems as wild and ferocious as ever, Coupland points to a shared passion for the natural resource of water as a phenomenon that is to be expected. As well, he predicts the conservation (hoarding?) of water will be the key to Canada's affluence in the coming decades.
You just might get shivers watching old and staged grainy clips, and stunning multi-coloured fly-bys. This movie should prove to you at least two things: one, you can seem totally insane and still complete amazingly mindblowing shit, and two, just like your aboriginal buddies living up on the reserve (or maybe that's where you're reading this from...) a connection to water is ingrained in Canadians.
If you know the right bouncer you just might be able to save yourself the massive $5 cover charge they'll force you to cough up if you don't have hook-ups. And the raddest girl at the rave over at Walker's doesn't use drugs anyways. Barely ever. Been going hard for about 10 years. But she parties just as hard, if not harder, than the girl -- hot as hell -- fucked on mushrooms. The two, just themselves, basically bring the party. It's mostly electro-house and techy stuff. But people here like a mixture -- rap, drum n' bass, and trance too -- and just end up calling it all "techno". You'll meet some real stand up dudes here.
It only took half an hour to tattoo up his face. That was just over a year ago. But it makes him look like a warrior. Some of those kids are so smelly and grimey. And they know what they're up to ain't "legit". But ripped Propaghandi shirts, jean jackets and the most MANIC patches can't all be a sham can they????? Naw... these cats are the most adorable things you'll ever meet. Serious. They'll grin beyond description or smile with their eyes, and tell you how lovely your face is. And coming from them -- arising out of slime green glasses or broadcasting from thick-ass natural dreds -- you know they have no reason to bullshit you. Which is a nice breath of fresh air for a change. So I'm kind of glad Lewis snuck some of them into his garage. It's not like it's being used for anything better anyways.
Human electronic waves: Well the bloodwork's good anyways. Probing the Canadian health care system.
The parkade would make a rad backdrop for a photo of some dude just launching off of it, we decided.
Everyone I meet, and even the most established of institutions, love waves...
I'm told the underground rap scene is huge in Saskatoon. Apparently it's totally pimped out and blingin' in its degredation too.
I just love the way my camera phone distorts things at night.
Ozzy is the proud town drunk who apparently lives under a bridge... I even partied with him there... What was he thinking about here? I asked. Getting wrecked, he said. Oh Ozzy.
Mmmmm.... coffee...
Wheeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm on the handlebars of Ozzy's bike (or one he stole???), freaking out, and that's my buddie Eddie in the background swigging rum n' coke (sweetest kid) trying to keep up.
All sorts of travellers just pass through Saskatoon: natives bussing to and from the north, punks just fucking around with squeegees, and hippies living off the B.C. vibe that even permeates out here... you don't even have to sing in tune to rock out on guitar...
....because we're all looking for something we can sustain longterm (some call it domestication, others sustainability, others "living the life") I thought I remind people that a hitchhiking mindset doesn't die once the thumb stops thumbing...
Here's a selection written by the man, Peter Jenkins, who wrote A Walk Across America, a noteworthy peice, coffee table material for sure, about moving at his own pace across the US... soaking up little tiny image bits from every side along the way. This is from the epilogue to the second book The Walk West: A Walk Across America 2, and the spirit of its words describe why hitchhiking is possible.
Things go in circles. Any people don't have to change. It seems not everyone has to "grow up" but can continue to revel in mystery. Being a Couchsurfing "host" is just one tech-age example of how this is possible. But anyways, without further ado... Peter:
"It had been more than a year and a half since we walked our last mile....I was facing the front yard, deep in thought, when I heard a knock on the back door. I hadn't noticed anyone coming....He had a backpack on. Very early yesterday morning a guy had telephoned to tell us about a young man who was walking across America with his dog, Sheba....It was as if I were looking in a mirror...Chad was about my height, his body as hard as the road he walked. Just the way mine had been. His eyes gleamed with adventure and he had a thousand questions to ask. He was searching for everything./Before Chad left, he told us he was out of money and needed a job. We fed him and he ate like I used to, three plates full, with a half gallon of iced tea and lemonade. I called a friend in New Orleans who worked for a shipyard. My friend got Chad a job./I continued writing my book and Chad worked until he saved up enough money to keep walking. He headed out for Texas and the winding road. The circle is never broken."
Wanna get really hardcore into wave theory... or more specifically, fractal and chaos theory...?
Then check this shit out. You may have to use the Cont + F tool to dig around for what interest you (i.e. search the word "fractal" to check out the comment discussion of them).
"Chaos theory often uses images developed from fractal equations to illustrate how initial uncertainties may have evolved into complex semi-ordered structures. Fractal images help one visualize how pattern A can evolve from pattern B, and how pattern B, though different from pattern A, contains elements related to pattern A because it evolved from it."
Redshoearts has a great post about the link beween art and math -- showing the similarities between Katsushika Hokusai's woodcut "The Great Wave of Kanagawa" -- as far as I'm concerned the most famous depiction of waves in history... (The same picture featured in Disney's surf historical at the beginning of their animated peice, Surf's Up! and a poster which, I imagine, is still hanging in some random spot on the wall in my old house down in Toronto... being moved around day in and day out by Patrick... I smile just thinking about it...) and a fractal wave. Here's the link.
Here's Polvora Spigot's reaction to fractals -- describing "the paradoxical beauty of imminent death and thousands of waves hidden in the foam" in the exact same painting.
"According to the DARDIK PRINCIPLE Superwaves is Matter, Space and Organization. All waves are imbedded in other waves across all scales. What we perceive as particles or matter, he contends, is merely a density of waves. Waves are the ultimate phenomena responsible for motion and time, matter and space, and order and chaos. whether exploring disciplines from medicine to astrophysics, ecology, biology and chemistry"
================ >>>>>>>>> And while you're digging into the whole fractal + waves thing, why not check out rad vid of surfers and kite surfers, set to some sick ambient music...
Dandelion gum stitches up a quilt for late night romance. And now the morning after I have blackberry seeds stuck in my teeth, reminding me again of the strawberries from the night before. It's hard for me to keep anything down, not because of any intoxicant -- but because when solitary spirits connect, if only for a second, the healing is immense -- the excitement unparalled.
There's nothing quite like seeing someone caught right in their element -- or how about a whole bunch of people? Stuck in the neverending always blossoming glitter here, where we're stuck -- between the now and then. And if I could take the perfect picture I would stare at it forever. As we travel through this Black Moth Super Rainbow.
And even here, jammed up right in the middle, the places we go have Spanish and English and Mexican names, though it feels quite like California. And the bluesman will sell you his hat for five dollars, that is if you're willing to busk for it. Busy getting caught up with the prairies and their countryside allure.
But man, last night was someting else. Connect through the Broadway kids with a spunky urban underground, the one laced with the swimming synthesizers . "espace musique" . skateboarding tickets . music festival hookups . graf art posters . Fair Trade innovation . and voices as clear as the birds. Together we overcome obstacles, and learn about the hot boxed raves they used to have years and years ago underneath the U of S. Litteraly underground below the university. I will miss this hard, that's what I think at the time. And now I most certainly do.
So use the powers you have in the moment to construct the party here. It's the best gift you can give away. Having fun now and then while you can. Be creative. Using what you know to get them wherever they want. And just keep one eye open -- waiting for the next wave, because I know you can already see it coming. Fuck I can't wait to see you ride it.
Listen to:
Black Moth Super Rainbow "Untitled Roadside Demo" "Neon Syrup for the Cemetary Girl" Damien Jurado "Desert" "Indepenent" Boards of Canada "Beautiful Place in the Country" M83 "Midnight Souls Still Remain" "Moves of Love" The New Pornographers "Entering White Cecilia" Odd Nosdam "Fat Hooks" "Off"
I'm sitting in my friend Lewis' dining room on the computer in the corner listening to choral music in the background, and reading about ways to map waves through math and equations. It's pretty crazy watching how some guys can just build one equation after another, and just use all sorts of crazy methods and formulas and incorporate them in order to model some pretty technical natural phenomena. It's crazy to think that our world is so complex that in order to just solve one formula, you have to use all sorts of techniques developed by mathematicians and theorists. Props to Mr. Broten for the link.
It seems simple enough (at least for a math genius), but don't forget that as with all partial differential equations, "suitable initial and/or boundary conditions must be given to obtain solutions to the equation for particular geometries and starting conditions."
And there's a wave equation video link here from harvard.