....because we're all looking for something we can sustain longterm (some call it domestication, others sustainability, others "living the life") I thought I remind people that a hitchhiking mindset doesn't die once the thumb stops thumbing...
Here's a selection written by the man, Peter Jenkins, who wrote A Walk Across America, a noteworthy peice, coffee table material for sure, about moving at his own pace across the US... soaking up little tiny image bits from every side along the way. This is from the epilogue to the second book The Walk West: A Walk Across America 2, and the spirit of its words describe why hitchhiking is possible.
Things go in circles. Any people don't have to change. It seems not everyone has to "grow up" but can continue to revel in mystery. Being a Couchsurfing "host" is just one tech-age example of how this is possible. But anyways, without further ado... Peter:
"It had been more than a year and a half since we walked our last mile....I was facing the front yard, deep in thought, when I heard a knock on the back door. I hadn't noticed anyone coming....He had a backpack on. Very early yesterday morning a guy had telephoned to tell us about a young man who was walking across America with his dog, Sheba....It was as if I were looking in a mirror...Chad was about my height, his body as hard as the road he walked. Just the way mine had been. His eyes gleamed with adventure and he had a thousand questions to ask. He was searching for everything./Before Chad left, he told us he was out of money and needed a job. We fed him and he ate like I used to, three plates full, with a half gallon of iced tea and lemonade. I called a friend in New Orleans who worked for a shipyard. My friend got Chad a job./I continued writing my book and Chad worked until he saved up enough money to keep walking. He headed out for Texas and the winding road. The circle is never broken."
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